The Time to Engage is Now!

Leading Citizen Action in Canada

We are working from Coast to Coast to make sure your values matter, and that you are not alone.

Where does it start - it starts with YOU! All across Canada, people like you are taking back their nation, one community at a time. Churches, ministries, and leaders are mobilizing to bring the 4 pillars into each area of society to influence our culture.

Would you like to see Kingdom culture move forward in society? Then we are asking you to partner with us.

We Mobilize Mobilizers!

Doug welcomes the opportunity, at any time, to serve faith leaders, churches, and citizens who want to become better informed about the processes of politics and civil government, policies impacting our nation, and the responsibility of citizens to engage in creating a culture of positive change in Canada.

Currently, we are working with some of the influential organizations throughout Canada and would love to see you partner with us! Your partnership allows us to continue fighting for Canada and its legacy.

Leadership with Integrity

“The coming months and years will determine whether Canada moves in the direction of protecting the core human rights of our most vulnerable or continues sleepwalking towards a humanitarian catastrophe with the sex trafficking of indigenous women and children, refugees, and other vulnerable populations reaching unprecedented numbers. Doug’s leadership and commitment to the cause of orphans and widows being exploited by human traffickers has been key in this crucial season.”

Michael Down


Partner with Us!

Why does the National Leadership Briefing have such an impact on people and communities?

Because the people we serve...go on to succeed in shifting our culture toward Christ!

Mitey Seed Partners

Many people are struggling with our current financial climate and can't commit to a larger amount. This shouldn't concern you, because it's not about the amount, but about the percentage. The Widow's mite will be remembered for eternity!

If you can give $5 to $25 a month, then we greatly appreciate your contribution.

Gospel Partners

Some may be able to back the ministry and help out with a larger amount. They see the need for our ministry and want to continue to see the work that we are able to accomplish throughout Canada.

If you can give $25 to $1,000 a month, then we greatly appreciate your contribution.

Kingdom Partners

Some of the organizations we have served for many years have asked if they can contribute to the work we are doing. They want to see Canada with a righteous church, and the government knows that we are the company of people who will get that done.

If you can give $1,000 or more a month, then we greatly appreciate your contribution.


About the National Leadership Briefing

Doug Sharpe hosts the National Leadership Briefing and serves as Executive Director at a National Citizen Action organization. Believing that a healthy and functioning democracy requires the engagement of the citizens, Doug has dedicated much of the past 20 years to encouraging others to exercise their God-given influence in the arenas of education, media, politics, and civil government. He brings his vast experience into the coaching realm to help Political, Government, and Business leaders experience zero-to-infinity moments so eternity is shifted toward you reaching the fullness of your destiny.